Dropship Manager Pro Plugin for Woocommerce

Woocommerce Dropship Manager

Purchase directly from the WooCommerce site HERE.

The Woocommerce plugin every dropship store needs

Whether you’re managing an existing dropship store or just starting out, keeping track of new orders and communicating to your vendors can quickly get out of hand – especially if you have multiple dropship partners.

The Dropship Manager plugin for Woocommerce streamlines the back-end order process, and allows you to put your focus back on customers.

Please click here for the latest version of Woocommerce Dropship Manager

Dropship Manager Pro Features:

  • Automatically notify your dropship partner by email when an order is paid so that they can ship!
  • *Generates a PDF packingslip so that your dropship partner can print it out and include with the order for easy blindshipping
  • *Does your dropship partner send you inventory updates via spreadsheet? Keep track of inventory quickly with the Inventory CSV upload function and set your products to available or out-of-stock in seconds.
  • License includes one year of free updates

How-To Use Dropship Manager Pro

Dropship Manager plugin for Woocommerce is used to send automated email orders to your dropship suppliers when an order is set into Processing status on your store. (Processing status is used because this indicates that the order is now paid for by your customer.)  Dropship Manager Pro generates a packing slip PDF and attaches it to this email. Your dropship partner can print the pdf out and add it to your customer’s shipment for easy blindshipping!

Dropship manager will group the ordered products together by dropshipper and then send orders to the dropship companies. The dropship companies can then ship your order to your customer.

Automatic Notifications: set up your suppliers and products

Prerequisite: In order to use Dropship Manager your dropship supplier must accept orders via email

  1. Enter each dropship company in the Suppliers table
  2. You must give each dropship supplier a email address. This is the address that Dropship Manager will send order notifications to.
  3. When creating a product you will select the supplier that should fulfill orders for the product

Inventory updates via CSV:

Vendor inventory spreadsheets are usually a column containing their SKU, and a column containing their inventory on hand. If your vendor keeps you updated on their available inventory via spreadsheets you can use the CSV inventory tool to instantly check all of the vendor’s products in your store and update the products to out-of-stock or available status.

  1. First the spreadsheet must be in the format of CSV, which is a “comma seperated values” file. If your vendor sends an Excel spreadsheet instead of a CSV it is easy to convert; in Excel simply choose “save as” and then select “CSV (MS DOS) .csv” to convert the Excel spreadsheet to CSV format.
  2. In your Supplier Edit screen indicate which column is the SKU column and which column is the inventory. Usually this can be set to “0” and “1”. Once this supplier is set up you won’t have to touch these settings again.
    On this screen you can also change the delimiter from a comma to another character. Semi-colon is also common. If you don’t know what this means, don’t worry and just leave it alone.
  3. Once the one time set-up is completed, when you receive an vendor inventory CSV, you can now simply update all of those vendors products by uploading the spreadsheet from the Supplier Admin in Dropship Manager

Please click here for the latest version of Woocommerce Dropship Manager


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